Arrington XRP Capital participated in the just announced Skale funding round – some $17.1 million in total. You can read the details, soundbites and thoughtful quotes on the news sites. Here’s CoinDesk and TheBlock.
Yes, I’m a little salty today. I flew home last night on a redeye flight from New York. In coach. I was supposed to write about Skale at a designated time that coincided, I believe, with the exact moment on the flight where I, shuddering from cold, purchased two $5 blankets that I was told I was free to keep. When did we start having to buy blankets on flights? Will they install a credit card reader on the toilets next?
I’m convinced those bastard on Jet Blue turned the temperature down just to sell more blankets.
Anyway, I’ve had a solid 2 and a half hours of sleep now and I want to use my cheerfulness to explain why I think Skale is going to make us enough of a return that I will never, ever, have to fly coach again.
There are two reason. First, Skale has the best team I’ve ever seen. With the possible exception of any other founders I’ve invested in that happen to be reading this post, Skale has without a doubt the finest crypto team in the business. (I joke, but I’m serious. We invest in teams first, products second. It works).
Second, Skale can fix Ethereum. Even Joe Lubin, founder of Consensys, would admit this, and that’s why the venture arm of Consensys invested along side us.
If you are building in crypto, Skale might be an excellent partner and help you build things that actually work. And, well, scale. Mainnet is coming, soon, but you can test now.
Thank you, Skale, for including us in the round. Everyone wanted to invest, and we appreciate you finding room for us.