We’ve all watched KIN and others fight the SEC over how the U.S. government classifies their tokens. And while we often (always) bicker amongst ourselves about every detail of every coin and protocol out there, nothing can bring us together as well as a common enemy. The SEC is out of control, and hurting our industry with indecision.
That’s why we stand behind KIN and others fighting the SEC. Today KIN launches DefendCrypto.org to help spread information about their legal challenges, and request financial assistance from the community.
KIN has set aside $5 million for their legal defense fund and Coinbase will host the fund. You can contribute directly at defendcrypto.com. Anything left over after their case will be used to help other companies fighting the SEC.
Arrington XRP Capital will be donating to the KIN fund. We urge you to help them as much as you are able, and to spread the word.
Thank you.
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